Peerless Mantles Explained! [BRIGHTEST!!] [BEST COLOR!!]

Описание к видео Peerless Mantles Explained! [BRIGHTEST!!] [BEST COLOR!!]

In today’s video, I’ll be diving into the topic of lantern mantles and why Peerless mantles are far and above the best modern production mantles available. I’ll also go over the different sizes and how the compare to existing Coleman sizes and testing these mantles to see if they are still doped with the superior thorium salts.

Whether you simply prefer the warm glow and soft hiss of an old school Coleman lantern or you’re a hardcore gas pressure appliance collector and have more lanterns in your collection than you care to admit, mantles are critical for good lantern light output and performance. Most collectors will swear by old Coleman Silk-Lite mantles that were made much stronger and doped with thorium for much brighter and whiter light output. But those have been out of production for almost 30 years. So what options does the average enthusiast or collector have? Peerless is one of the few companies still making high quality, thorium-doped mantles and with their proven performance, it’s no wonder that they’re so popular amongst collectors and users alike.

0:00 Intro
2:15 Start of Mantle Discussion
3:48 Different Mantle Size Applications
5:59 Discussing Basic Safety/Overblown Fears
6:45 Checking for Thorium

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