How to make Danish Rice Pudding

Описание к видео How to make Danish Rice Pudding

Danish Rice Pudding (Risalamande)

⬇️⬇️ RECIPE BELOW ⬇️⬇️


6 cups of milk
1 vanilla bean
1 cup of Italian (Arborio) rice
2/3 of a cup of sugar

2 cups (1 pint) of whipping cream
1 cup of chopped almonds (without the skin) - optional

Cherry sauce/pie filling - optional


Slice the vanilla bean halfway along its length to expose the seeds. Bring the milk to a boil together with the vanilla bean. While waiting for the milk to boil, rinse the rice with water and set aside.

When the milk starts to boil, add the rice. Bring the milk back to a boil. Adjust the heat to keep it low enough to keep the porridge boiling under lid. Let it cook for 40 min and stir every 5 min. (be careful not to let the milk burn or overflow). After the 40 min, remove the lid and cook for another 5 min while increasing the heat and stirring constantly. Add sugar to the porridge. Let the porridge cool off, and when lukewarm, let it cool completely in the fridge (e.g. overnight).

Whip the whipping cream and fold into the cold rice porridge. Finally, chop the almonds and fold into the pudding.

Store the pudding in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

Serve rice pudding in a bowl with a Cherry-sauce as an option.


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