Немецкие фотографии оккупированного Смоленска 1941-1942/German photos of occupied Smolensk 1941-1942

Описание к видео Немецкие фотографии оккупированного Смоленска 1941-1942/German photos of occupied Smolensk 1941-1942

Смоленск в цвете : 1941 -1942
Эти фотографии были сделаны немецким фотографом Робертом Ботнером
Ранние цветные фотографы Agfacolor

Smolensk in Colour: 1941-1942
These photographs were taken by the German photographer Robert Bothner
Early Agfacolor photographs

Excerpt from the Introduction and Adagio from “The Lady and the Hooligan” by D. Shostakovich

During the Great Patriotic War, Smolensk saw wide-scale fighting during the first Battle of Smolensk when the city was captured by the Nazis on July 16, 1941. The first Soviet counteroffensive against the German army was launched in August 1941 but failed. However, the limited Soviet victories outside the city halted the German advance for a crucial two months, granting time to Moscow's defenders to prepare in earnest. Over 93% of the city was destroyed during the fighting; the ancient icon of Our Lady of Smolensk was lost. Nevertheless, the city escaped total destruction being finally liberated on September 25, 1943, during the second Battle of Smolensk. The rare title of Hero City was bestowed on Smolensk after the war.


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