【Chiba Prefecture】Drive around the Kisarazu/Sodegaura City

Описание к видео 【Chiba Prefecture】Drive around the Kisarazu/Sodegaura City

I will post the drive videos I took so far.
Japanese Highway, General road, Scenic road, etc.
Please enjoy the driving scenery in Japan !!
Please check Instagram !
  / drive_n_658  

Sony ActionCam HDR-AS300/FDR-X3000

HONDA N-BOX Custom 2017
DBA-JF1 660cc InterCooler TURBO
Japanese Kei Car (Japanese category of small vehicles)

    • 【This is my Car】HONDA N-BOX Custom 20...  
    • Japanese Kei Car Acceleration   HONDA...  
    • 【660cc Engine】Japanese Kei car Driving  

【Ending BGM】
Artist: Cartoon
Song: On & On (Electro-Light Remix)
Download/Stream: https://audiograb.com/Oi1KvVEsa
   • Cartoon - On & On (Electro-Light Remix)  


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