Most Efficient Solar Panel, GaAs Solar Cell Price

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Advantages of GaAs solar cells
Many electronic properties of GaAs (gallium arsenide) are much better than those properties in silicon. GaAs have higher electron mobility and a higher saturated electron velocity, which allows gallium arsenide transistors to function at frequencies in ranges excess of 250 GHz. GaAs have good heat resistant properties, as GaAs devices are comparatively insensitive to overheating, due to their wider energy bandgap, and they tend to create much less noise (which is the disturbance in the electrical signal) in electronic circuits than silicon devices as well, particularly at higher frequencies. This is a product of the lower resistive device parasitics and the higher carrier mobility. Another advantage of GaAs is having a direct bandgap, this means that they can be used to efficiently absorb and emit light which is critical in solar cell applications. Silicon has an indirect bandgap which means that it is rather poor at emitting light. As GaAs is a wide direct bandgap material with subsequent resistance to radiation damage, GaAs presents an exceptional material for solar energy modules and thin-film PV, outer space electronics, and optical windows in high power applications. GaAs is common in thin-film PV, so it provides the same benefits of typical thin-film technology, which are low manufacturing cost, lightweight cells, and compact design which allows for installation flexibility.

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