Omnisutra Book of the Dead - Invocation of Ra video

Описание к видео Omnisutra Book of the Dead - Invocation of Ra video

Omnisutra - vocals - Gavin Shri Amneon
Tar - Travis Jekks Taylor
Album - Omnisutra Book of the Dead.
Mystical music and song, ancient invocations, from the School of Mysticism on Mount Dandenong in Australia
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Tua Ra 4x

Adoration of Ra

Kheft unbenf em khut abtet ent pet, An Ra, An Ra, An Ra

when he riseth in the horizon eastern of heaven, behold Ra

Anet Hraa-k, khu-øa sept.

dowered Tmu Harmachis when thou risest in the horizon of heaven

Tem Heru-Khuti auk khaa-aat em khut ent pet

Homage to thee O glorious being,

A nek em re en Hra-nebu.

A shout of joy from the mouth of all peoples.

Nefer-øa, renp-tra-øa em aten em khennu tet mut-k Het Heru.

Beautiful one, becoming young at thy time in the disc wihtin the hand of thy mother Hathor.

Khaa-aa arek em auset nebt ab neb aau en tetta.

Rising therefore in place, every heart dilateth forever.

Iu nek, aterti em kes, taa-sen a en ubenk.

Come to thee, the two lands with homage, they give a shout of joy at thy risiing.

Khaa-aati em khut ent pet, satet-k taui maafekt,

Thou risest in the horizon of heaven. Thou shedest the two lands, emerald light

Ra, An Ra, An Ra, An Ra

Pu Herukhuti pa Hun Neteri. Uaa HeH, tut-su mes-su teesef,

that is Hemarchis the boy mighty. The heir of eternity, He begot and gave birth to himself,

suten ta pen, heq tuat, her set aukert,

the king of this earth, Prince of the underworld. The president of the mountains Aukert,

per em maau, seta-su em Nu, rensu, ser mestuf.

coming forth from the water, drawing himself from the gods of the abyss, nursing himself, increasing his limbs

Neter ankh, An Ra, An Ra, An Ra

O God of life

neb mert, ankh Hra nebu pest-k. Khaa-aa-øa, em suten neteru.

Lord of Love, All peoples live when thou shinest, O crowned as the king of the Gods,

Ari en Nut nini en Hra-k, hept-tu Ma-aatertra neb.

Nut maketh homage to thee. Ma-aat embraceth thee at every season

Hai nek Hai nek An Ra, An Ra, An Ra

Sing praises

ami-khet-k, tehen-sen herta em khessf-k. Neb pet, Neb Ta.

to them who are following thee, they bow down upon the earth in meeting thee. The lord of heaven, the Lord of earth.

Suten Ma-aat, Neb HeH, Heq tetta. Aøi neteru nebu.

King of righteousness, Lord of eternity. Prince of everlasting. Ruler of all Gods.

Neter aankh, ari HeH, qemam pet, smen su em khennu-s.

God of life, maker of eternity, creator of heaven, is established by him that which is in it

Paut Neteru em hennu en uben-k.

The cycle of the Gods is in rejoicing at thy rising,

Ta em reshtu en maa satet-k, per paat

the ancestors come forth....

em Hai em Hai An Ra, An Ra, An Ra

with cries of joy

er maa neferu-k raa neb.

To see thy beauties every day.

Ta-k hert ta raa neb suta-øa en mut-k Nut. Nama-k hert, ab-k aau.

Thou goest forth over heaven and earth every day strengthened of thy mother Nut

Heq-k neteru nebu, seshep-k aaut ab em khen kera-k.

Thou rulest all Gods. Thou receivest expansion of heart within thy shrine

An Ra Tua Ra Tua Ra Tua Ra


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