Balloon Sinuplasty San Antonio

Описание к видео Balloon Sinuplasty San Antonio

If you’re one of the estimated 37 million Americans who have suffered from a sinus infection in the last year…

then you have felt how truly miserable they can be.

The pain, pressure, and congestion can have a dramatic impact on your quality of life.
In this video…

You’ll discover a modern and minimally invasive way to finally get free from the burden of chronic sinus infections. But first…

What is a sinus infection, and what are “chronic” sinus infections? Well, let’s take a look…

Healthy sinuses are filled with air, as you can see in this CT scan:
Notice the open and clear sinuses on both sides.

When you have a sinus infection (called “sinusitis”), the mucous membranes of your sinuses become inflamed, often from a pre-existing cold or allergies.

That swelling obstructs the sinus openings and prevents normal mucus drainage… which causes mucus and pressure to build up.

Now, look at this CT scan and you can see the infected and blocked sinus on the right:

Symptoms of sinusitis include:

Drainage of a thick, yellow or greenish discharge;
nasal obstruction or congestion;
tenderness and swelling around the eyes, cheeks, nose and forehead;
and/or a reduced sense of smell and taste.

So… what is “chronic” sinusitis?

When a sinus infection lasts more than 12 weeks that is called “chronic sinusitis”.
If you experience 4 or more episodes of sinusitis per year, that is indicative of
“recurrent sinusitis”.

Both chronic and recurrent sinus infections are signs that you should see an expert.
Now…here’s the GOOD NEWS:

In our battle against sinusitis, we now have a new, safe, and proven tool at our disposal:

Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive procedure which is performed in the office in order to open the sinus passages, allowing for proper sinus drainage and improved sinus health.

Balloon sinuplasty, when appropriate, offers major advantages over previous treatments including “traditional” sinus surgery in the operating room.

The main difference between traditional (or “endoscopic”) sinus surgery and balloon sinuplasty, is that during balloon sinuplasty no tissue is removed.

Watch and see how it works:

Balloon sinuplasty has been proven in clinical studies to be highly effective.

A recent study* showed a 73% reduction in acute sinus infections, and a 71% reduction in the number of antibiotics taken.

Additionally, it is a far less invasive procedure than endoscopic sinus surgery…

Endoscopic sinus surgery is done in the operating room, under general anesthesia. Tissue is removed, packing is sometimes needed…

…some people experience moderate pain and/or post-op bleeding, and typically 5-7 days off of work or school are necessary. On the other hand…

Balloon sinuplasty does not involve tissue removal. It is done in the office with topical anesthetic only, and packing is never necessary.

With balloon sinuplasty people typically experience little to no bleeding, little to no pain, and can often return to work within 1-2 days.

So let’s recap…

In this video you’ve learned about sinus infections, and the proven benefits of balloon sinuplasty.

Before you start any treatment, the first step is to determine the true cause of your discomfort.

At Texas Sinus Center, we utilize a 3 Step Diagnosis to figure out what’s really causing the problem.

Only after we diagnose the true cause, then we can proceed with the right treatment.

At the top of this page, you'll find our phone number as well as a link to schedule your appointment online.

Come see us. Let’s figure out a solution so you can feel better.

Balloon Sinuplasty San Antonio


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