Описание к видео Maribor, Slovenia 🇸🇮 - MOST UNDERRATED CITY IN SLOVENIA

Welcome to the most underrated city in Slovenia - MARIBOR!

Maribor is Slovenia's second largest city situated along the Drava River. It is just 1,5 hour drive from the capital of Ljubljana and can be also reached by train! The city dates back to 12th century and you will find many historic buildings throughout the city!

The city is a MUST when you visit Slovenia! Today, I am going to start my adventures in the city center which is one of the most beautiful city centers in Slovenia. I will take you around the city, point out some of the important places you should check out and lastly we will go wine tasting!

Did you know Maribor is home to the OLDEST VINE in the world?! At over 400 years old, the vine at the Old Vine House still produces wine!


Dobrodošli v Mariboru!

Maribor je drugo največje slovensko mesto, ki leži ob reki Dravi. Od glavnega mesta Ljubljane je oddaljena le 1,5 ure vožnje in je dosegljiva tudi z vlakom! Mesto sega v 12. stoletje in po vsem mestu boste našli številne zgodovinske zgradbe!

Mesto je OBVEZNO, ko obiščete Slovenijo! Danes bom začela svoje avanture v centru mesta, ki je eno najlepših mestnih središč v Sloveniji. Popeljal vas bom po mestu, pokazal nekaj pomembnih krajev, ki jih morate obiskati, in nazadnje se bomo podali na degustacijo vin!

Ste vedeli, da je v Mariboru najstarejša trta na svetu?! Trta v Hiši Stare trte, stara več kot 400 let, še vedno daje vino!
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  / lukegeetravels  

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