A Horror Icon: Silent Hill 2 Remake Part 1 - James Enters The Fog (Halloween 2024 Special)

Описание к видео A Horror Icon: Silent Hill 2 Remake Part 1 - James Enters The Fog (Halloween 2024 Special)

► Twitter & Instagram @dansg08 ► https://bit.ly/Dansg08SH2R ► Support Dansg08 on Patreon: https://goo.gl/xvvDJD ► Welcome to this commentary playthrough of the Silent Hill 2 Remake, which garnered excellent reviews as it attempted to bring a classic of the genre to the modern age.

Originally released in 2001, Silent Hill 2 is ever-present in any discussion about the greatest horror games ever made. But as someone who only recently began exploring the genre, I'd never given it a try. Having become a fan of the Resident Evil franchise I knew I at least had a greater interest and ability to enjoy the genre, but I was also well aware that Silent Hill is a different kind of experience. Being slower paced and more psychologically driven, this game is one that might just push even me to the limit, as it's generally a style of horror I avoid in movies and content. But especially once the very positive reviews came in, I decided this one was too good to ignore. Time to put the big boy pants on and dive into the foggy world of Silent Hill. Wish me luck!

A HUGE thank you to all my Patrons on Patreon for the support they provide to the channel which help me to keep making content such as this, a special thank you to the highest tier Patrons:

► Josh Murphy
► j85norway
► Jay_Wotw
► Jesse F
► CityMorgue
► Hedgelord42
► El No
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► PrincessMagical
► Streeter
► De_Life_Stream
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► RyanPossible

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