Reducing Upper Body Tic Pain: Self-Massage & Movement Strategies

Описание к видео Reducing Upper Body Tic Pain: Self-Massage & Movement Strategies

Motor tics of the neck area can contribute to neck pain, reduced range of motion, headaches, or jaw dysfunction. In this video, Katie Pudhorodsky, a structural massage therapist and online educator, will lead you in self-massage techniques and targeted stretches for the neck to specifically alleviate muscular tension caused by neck motor tics. Raquel Cunningham, a personal trainer diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome at age 5, brings a unique perspective that blends various movement disciplines to support individuals with TS and reduce motor tic related pain. You will learn perpetuating factors of neck tension and ways to make lifestyle adjustments. These techniques and suggestions have the potential not only to alleviate immediate discomfort but also to empower you to incorporate affordable proactive self-care into your daily routines.

*From the TAA's virtual workshop, "Reducing Upper Body Tic Pain: Self-Massage & Movement Strategies" (August 26, 2024)


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