Pediatrician Advice: Head Injuries In Kids - WHAT TO MONITOR

Описание к видео Pediatrician Advice: Head Injuries In Kids - WHAT TO MONITOR

Do you know what to do when your child hits their head? Injuries can be scary and in this video I discuss what to do when your child has a head injury.

Make sure to watch my video about mouth injuries, which was released today.

Here is what you will learn:
1:10-Prevention in the home
1:16-Most common reason for head injuries in infants
2:10-Basic childproofing considerations to reduce hazards
2:56-Reasons kids can get head injuries
3:11-Step-by-step assessment during a head injury
5:54-What to assess (lacerations, bumps, bruising, lumps, etc)
8:26-What to monitor after a minor head injury
10:23-Chart of symptoms to monitor
10:38-Why do we care about head injuries?
11:38-Other symptoms to monitor for under two years of age
12:05-Is imaging needed for a concussion? What is a concussion?
12:44-Management of head injuries at home
13:09-Do we need to wake child up from sleep?

****The information in this video is intended to serve as educational information and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If a parent or guardian is concerned about their child, it is their responsibility to seek medical attention with the child’s healthcare provider.****

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