Trying the World's Highest Rated Beer - Trappist Westvleteren 12, Brouwerij de Sint Sixtus Abdij

Описание к видео Trying the World's Highest Rated Beer - Trappist Westvleteren 12, Brouwerij de Sint Sixtus Abdij

Beer Review 571: Westvleteren 12, Brouwerij de Sint Sixtus Abdij van Westvleteren, Westvleteren, Belgium.
Acquired: via Pete

Untappd: ABeerADayWithTK
Instagram: ABeerADayWithTK

00:00 Intro
00:10 Discussion
04:44 The Pour
06:06 The Nose
07:01 Drink Your Beer!
09:55 Rating

Westy 12 is one of the highest rated and most difficult to acquire beers in the world. This Belgian Quad comes in at 10.2% ABV with 38 IBUs. It poured a beautiful deep amber color with a slight reddish hue. The head was frothy, tan and luxurious. The nose was subtle yeast, stone fruits, and brown sugar. This was medium/full bodied, cloudy, with very little visible carbonation. This was a complex beer, with raisin, brown sugar, spicy Belgian yeast coming through as well as enough alcohol to let you know you are drinking a 10% beer. Was this the best beer in the world? That is up to you to decide, but Anderson and I loved this one and think it was one of the best beers we had ever tried.

#Westvleteren #Westy12 #belgianbeer

Intro Music Courtesy of: B-Roll (ska) - Islandesque by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


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