VIJAY PRASHAD – What's the Left to Do in a World on Fire? | China and the Left

Описание к видео VIJAY PRASHAD – What's the Left to Do in a World on Fire? | China and the Left

At the conference China and the Left: A Socialist Forum held on September 18, 2021 hosted by Qiao Collective at The People’s Forum in New York City, Vijay Prashad delivers the closing keynote titled, “What's the Left to Do in a World on Fire?”

The conference was a one-day convening of organizers, scholars, and journalists whose work grapples with questions of Chinese socialism, Western imperialism, Global South internationalism, and the renewed Cold War consensus taking hold in the West. Speakers and events analyzed current trends in U.S.-China relations, Chinese development, and international relations through a socialist, anti-imperialist lens. The conference provided a space for those invested in challenging the rise in U.S.-led imperialist aggression on China to meet, strategize, and discuss. The convening was co-sponsored by Monthly Review, The People’s Forum, and CODEPINK.

Read about the conference China and the Left here →

ABOUT ‣ Qiao Collective is a collective of diaspora Chinese challenging U.S. aggression and shining a light on Chinese socialism and internationalism.


Vijay Prashad is an Indian historian and journalist. He is the Director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, Chief Correspondent for Globetrotter and Chief Editor of LeftWord Books. He has published thirty books, including most recently "Washington Bullets", with a preface by Evo Morales Ayma, and previously the two-volume history of the modern world, "The Darker Nations: A People's History of the Third World" and "The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South". He is the recipient of the 2009 Muzaffar Ahmad Memorial Prize.


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