Super R-Type (SNES) - 2-ALL Clear No-Miss (Hard & Pro)

Описание к видео Super R-Type (SNES) - 2-ALL Clear No-Miss (Hard & Pro)

Full no-death/no miss run through 2 loops of Super R-Type on the hardest difficulty (Hard & Pro), my final score was 785,900. This was captured off a real SNES console, no emulation or cheats were used.

Loop 1 (Hard):
00:00 - Start
00:14 - Stage 1
02:13 - Stage 2
05:12 - Stage 3
08:15 - Stage 4
11:35 - Stage 5
15:23 - Stage 6
19:33 - Stage 7
25:28 - Loop 1 Ending

Loop 2 (Pro):
27:09 - Stage 1
29:22 - Stage 2
32:35 - Stage 3
35:46 - Stage 4
39:05 - Stage 5
42:56 - Stage 6
47:35 - Stage 7
53:28 - Loop 2 Ending + Credits

Okay this game is a nightmare, and so far I will say out of all the SNES shmups I've cleared on the hardest setting, this one stands high above them all. It probably doesn't look that hard from the video, but once you play it you'll figure out quite fast how ridiculous and rage-inducing this game is.

It takes checkpoints to a new and sadistic level by sending you all the way back to the start of the stage when you die. Even the arcade versions weren't that brutal.

A single mistake in stage 6 or 7 on loop 2 (pro) is pretty much a game over, and 50 minutes down the toilet. Now try having that happen to you about 20 times before you clear the game. Now have your recording hardware malfunction and that replay gets lost. Now you have to play it for another 20 hours before you clear it. That was my world for the last month or so.


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