Divine Satsang LIVE with Pujya Sadhviji || 21 Nov 2024

Описание к видео Divine Satsang LIVE with Pujya Sadhviji || 21 Nov 2024

In tonight's LIVE Satsang from the Satsang Hall at Parmarth Niketan, Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawatiji inspires the global audience by answering questions from the Parmarth Parivar abroad and at Home that bring everyone closer and closer to the very Truth of themselves.

Tonight's topics include:

1. How can I manage our resentful feelings with my parents?
2. How do we deal with toxic discrimination in the transgender community?
3.⁠ ⁠If the Soul has not limited, how does that translate to human experience?

Tune in every night for Divine Satsang with Sadhviji and explore previous sessions for more wisdom. Also, put your own questions here in the comments.

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