The Most Unforgiving Final Boss Challenge... (PURE LVL 1 Yi vs True Eigong)

Описание к видео The Most Unforgiving Final Boss Challenge... (PURE LVL 1 Yi vs True Eigong)

I invite you all to try out this supremely difficult challenge in Nine Sols - Perhaps one of the toughest final boss challenges ever. This is a PURE lvl 1 save spawned right at the last root node with true ending requirements set.
If you want to try out this challenge, check out my saves collection and load the "Lvl1TrueEigong" save.

What differs from this lvl 1 run from the others is that this save was externally modified to ignore any obligatory abilities that are unlocked in a normal run. What this means, is that basic abilities such as the Tai-Chi Kick and the Unbound Counters aren't available to use against Eigong, and your health is set to base HP.

This makes it what would be a 8 minute boss fight into a 20 minute lengthy boss fight. I'm still working in making a hitless/no damage run of this challenge, but it's overwhelming to say the least - it feels much like an endurance boss fight at this point.

The hardest part of this fight was hands down the double slash into red slash move in phase 3. The safest option to beat that move is to execute an almost frame-perfect dash when Eigong is about to slash you to pieces. If you can't manage that, it's a guaranteed insta-kill. This got me a few days to actually pull off, but I'm happy that I've finally cleared it :)

0:00 Challenge Overview
0:37 Phase 1
5:08 Phase 2
14:00 Phase 3


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