Favor8 w/ Illiminate (Randy and KJ)

Описание к видео Favor8 w/ Illiminate (Randy and KJ)

On this episode of Favor8, we have Randy and Kevin Jude of Illiminate! Randy and KJ run a very successful Youtube channel and also have a clothing line to go with it! We are very grateful to have them on this episode because we have learned a lot through them over the years! Enjoy!

Illiminates Youtube Channel:    / illiminateapparel  


Instagram @sagoxstudio
Twitter @Sagoxstudio

Instagram: @Janibert_ryan
Instagram: @B_haann
Instagram: ‪@illiminate‬
Instagram: ‪@RandyTruongmhm‬
Instagram: @kjude7

Video by @trizzzztannnn @Vacado_


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