Meguro Ren & Abe Ryohei - MemeAbe's Compatibility Test | English Subs

Описание к видео Meguro Ren & Abe Ryohei - MemeAbe's Compatibility Test | English Subs

Meguro Ren and Abe Ryohei from Snow Man took a Compatibility Test together because they shared the same feelings toward each other?!
Are they really compatible to be together?

This is a part of "Rajira! Saturday" a live radio program featuring Snow Man members on Feb 27th 2021.

❆ ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ❆

ϟ Lovecharger subs ϟ
☃ translations : @1nightsupernova
☃ timing & editing : @fishcodisco

#目黒蓮 #阿部亮平 #SnowMan


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