плейлист с ночным вайбом ? / playlist with night vibe ? #2

Описание к видео плейлист с ночным вайбом ? / playlist with night vibe ? #2


00:00 R!ckes, Houle - come again
01:22 CXRGI - sleeping
02:32 hiræth, énouement - hoffnungslos
05:28 Houle - snowfield
07:33 Kaeshani - Goodnight
10:05 METAHESH - Lost Hope
11:54 mezh - better alone
13:44 my head is empty, Miranda Rain - letting go
15:16 Antent - voices
17:27 my head is empty - she became my atlas
18:38 suffershade - dreamstate
20:04 my head is empty - leaving
21:33 my head is empty - i see dead people
23:51 lowonlife - it’s all so different
25:13 amg s - In This Darkness
28:06 The Lonely Tree - keep up
29:34 я не такая как они...

тг - https://t.me/sxphistisateddd


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