Trip To The Thrift- Thrifting For Resell

Описание к видео Trip To The Thrift- Thrifting For Resell

Welcome back to my channel! Today I am out thrifting with my son. We hit up Goodwill and St Vincent De Paul. Not a great thrift trip unfortunately but we still had fun and managed to find a few good things. I hope you enjoy and don’t forget to come back on Wednesday for the haul!

Shop my eBay store. Almost everything is currently 20% off until the 7th-

Find me on instagram-  / we_never_go_out_of_style_14  

6 in 1 selfie stick and tripod I use to film my videos-

Resell haul thrift with me garage sale auction vintage make money at home work from home thrifting trip to the thrift thrifted style clothes book booktube booktok books read reading horror thriller mystery treasure hunter rummage sale reselling community money sales creator YouTube YouTuber video vlog vlogging thrifting selling eBay Depop Poshmark


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