Naughty Boy Arcade (Jaleco) 1982

Описание к видео Naughty Boy Arcade (Jaleco) 1982

Naughty Boy is an arcade game released by Jaleco in 1982. It was released by Cinematronics in North America. A port of this game was also released on the Casio PV-1000 system in Japan.

The main goal of the game is to make it to the top of each stage while avoiding the enemies. The player can throw rocks at the enemies - the longer the fire button is held down, the farther your character will throw rocks. The enemies must be shot twice: hit them once and they will be stunned. Bonus items can also be picked up, which are worth anywhere from 500 to 9000 points. There are also purple question marks that can be picked up, which make the player invincible for a short amount of time. At the top of each level, there are a number of flags that must be destroyed in order to progress to the next level. Occasionally, there is a bonus round where your character flies back and forth at the top of the screen in a hot air balloon. In this level, the player must drop rocks on a monster that is running at the bottom of the screen before the fuel gauge runs out.


Gameplay: MAME HD 1080p 60 FPS


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