Timber floor joists on ground Screws, stable rebuild part 2

Описание к видео Timber floor joists on ground Screws, stable rebuild part 2

My 76mm and 102mm Hinge jigs for sale at https://www.robc.co.uk

Gravitas Ground Screws
  / gravitasgs  

I have been tasked with the job to rebuild a stable and store in a field, this is the second life for this timber building and I love the fact that timber is so good for repurposing and re-use, in this part I make my suspended timber floor using a double joist ring beam around the perimeter and then 170 x 47mm joists that are hung between using timber to timber connectors other wise known as jiffy hangers
The mud is drying up and we have had some nice days of weather so thats good too, thanks for watching!!

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