The MakeNoise Museum | and farewell to vactrols...

Описание к видео The MakeNoise Museum | and farewell to vactrols...

Today I'd like to revisit the classic #makenoisemusic modules from a different perspective. TipTop Audio has been the first company to actually clarify the vactrol ban in the EU/UK and not being able to ship a 292T to the old continent. Vactrols contain cadmium which is bad for the environment and your health. Don't worry, they're fine while they're in your modules (and you can keep them), just don't eat or smoke them and don't bury your QMMG. You may wonder what vactrols are and the old MakeNoise gear was packed with them while supplies lasted. I think MakeNoise used vintage vactrols from the previous century to match the sound of the true Buchla LPG. But supplies didn't last, and even if it did, they can't ship DPO's and Optomixes to the UK/EU forever. Maybe they already can't due to the vactrol ban. So times are changing. The old continent is in the lead, but the rest of the world will eventually follow, even in countries where it's more dangeous to breathe air and bathe in a holy river. But you have to start somewhere and vactrols seemed to be a great way to start saving the planet. As for vactrols and LPG's, i am sure and confident there will be noise after the vactrol. Fortunately now the DXG is here!


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