Injuries from the first wife to the second wife: filing a criminal case against him by the police

Описание к видео Injuries from the first wife to the second wife: filing a criminal case against him by the police

Amir and Fatemeh were two young people in love and honest, who lived a happy and hopeful life together. They depended on each other with the love and respect they had for each other and walked together every day. But their lives changed when the first woman entered their lives.
The first woman, who sought to separate Amir and Fatima from the beginning, decided to destroy their lives by any means. He was looking for a way to separate Fatima from Amir and lose her forever. But Amir and Fateme with their love and trust in each other, stood against all the efforts of the first wife.
The first wife was immoral enough that she intended to kill Fatimah. He hid poisonous substances in the food of Amir and Fatima to destroy them. But the videographer, who was hired by the order of Amir and Fatemeh to record their life memories, accidentally found out about this conspiracy. He immediately informed Amir and Fatima and also reported to the police.
With his presence, the police filed a criminal case against the first woman and warned the first woman and took a commitment from her.. Can the bravery of the cameraman cause trouble for him? What is the solution?.

1. #Injury_of_the_first_wife
2. Second wife
3. Criminal case
4. #Police
5. #Crime
6. #Annoyance
7. #Police_Investigations
8. #Women's rights
9. #Escape
10. #attack
11. #punishment
12. #accused
13. #Court
14. #imprisonment
15. #trial
16. #Strike
17. #family_violence
18. #wife's right
19. #Research
20. #Law
21. #Argument
22. #detective_investigation
23. #File
24. #arrest
25. #Interrogation
26. #Evidence
27. #Follow up
28. #guilty
29. #Rights
30. #chasing
31. #marital_violence
32. #Justice
33. #morality
34. #damage
35. #getting_arrested
36. #physical_blow
37. #betrayal of the family
38. #Injustice
39. #Slander
40. #Criminal_Court


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