PKSG Mix'N'Match: The Return!

Описание к видео PKSG Mix'N'Match: The Return!

PKSG Mix ’N’ Match is back, after 3 years of Hiatus!

This edit took me soooo long, I went through immense amount of scrap footage from my old hard disk which I remembered were filled with gold - wanted to start to edit this since moving to Melbourne but then I left that hard disk behind so I could only start editing it since coming back to Melbourne in July. This was also the first time I edited a full length proper video on Premiere Pro in which I am still very new to, thus took me longer than usual but was definitely a good practice. The colours in this may differ a lot from my old videos due to the fact I had so many different clips from different cameras - so all the color correction took me a while to fix (but they aren’t perfect for sure).

There were so many unfinished videos that I have started embarking on, namely ‘Parolye’ which was pretty much the 2nd segment of the video but due to lack of commitment and injuries, it just never got done. Was also supposed to make a sick freerunning/parkour video in iconic downtown places of Singapore with Wei Xiong and Zack, but NS/final year projects/my eventual move to Melbourne meant that it had to be put on hold. But there was no point keeping the clips so I had to dump it here. There were clips I filmed that I wanted to put in an art of motion submission video but I only had like 3 or 4 clips, then I hurt my wrist halfway through (doing that dive kong in that video), which rendered my remaining days in Singapore useless thus I had to leave for next year. Again, no point in saving clips… I’ll just focus on making a fresh new one next year. Then there was also a video idea titled ‘WHATSSOHARD’ which was just a video filled with big plyos and standing jumps with Xirui and Yan Da but it just didn’t get done… Lesson learnt: commit more when it comes to making videos!!!! #notetoself

I guess it’s a good thing since it gave birth to this video - I tried to make the edit as interesting as possible despite the length and the fact that it were all old footages (mixed with some new!), while giving it the usual PKSG Mix’N’Match vibe. There isn’t quite a community video is such a long time so this should be a good update to the scene. Not sure if it succeeded, and I’m pretty desensitized after doing the edit day in day out, so I can’t quite properly judge. Either ways, I’m satisfied enough with the outcome so I’ll just see the response from you guys. Hope you guys enjoy!

This was definitely the biggest project I wanted to finish editing and get it out of the way, while focusing on other smaller edits coming up, which includes the stuff I’ve been filming in Melbourne. Big things coming your way!

WATCH THE EXTRAS on my Denester1 channel here! -    • PKSG Mix'N'Match: The Return EXTRAS  

Surreal and the Sound Providers - Introduction
Phazz - Lionheart
Surreal and the Sound Providers - Gifted


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