Four Ways to Know: Which Animals Are Food and Which Aren't... According to the Bible

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Did you know the Bible explains which animals are good for food, and which ones are not?
The Bible describes differences between animals it calls clean, and those it calls unclean.These differences determine which animals were designed to be eaten, and which ones were not.Here are four simple ways to know the difference between clean and unclean animals. But before we get into it, if you appreciate these videos, please remember to “Like” and subscribe.

There are two places in the Bible where this is explained: Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. Leviticus 11:2 states, “These are the animals which you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth.”

First, we will see the difference between clean and unclean land animals, specifically mammals. Verse 3 says, “Whatever divides the hoof, having cloven hooves and chewing the cud - that you may eat.” Then, it explains if an animal chews the cud but does not have split hooves, or vice versa, it should not be eaten and is unclean.
Some of the specific examples given are: “The camel, because it chews the cud but does not have cloven hooves…” And “the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. Their flesh you shall not eat….” It also goes on to say that animals with paws as well as reptiles are unclean. And explicitly names “...the mole, the mouse, the large lizard… the gecko, the monitor lizard, the sand reptile, the sand lizard, and the chameleon.” Again, of the land animals, those designed to be eaten are mammals with split hooves that chew their cud.

And it happens that all animals with these two characteristics are herbivores with the same type of special digestive system. They fall into a scientific class of animals we now call “ruminants”. Such animals are very efficient at turning grasses that humans can not eat into meat that humans can eat! Some examples are: Cattle, buffalo, deer, goats, sheep, elk, moose, and giraffe.

Now, let’s see what it says about animals living in the water. Leviticus 11:9-12 says, “whatever in the water has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers - that you may eat.” “But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales… you shall not eat their flesh”. Some examples of clean fish are: Salmon, flounder, tuna, sardines, and trout. These all have fins and scales. Some examples of unclean water animals are: octopus, shrimp, oysters, catfish, crab, and lobster… because they do not have fins AND scales.

The next few verses focus on birds (or flying animals). Yet, this time it does not list the differences between the clean and unclean, rather, it gives examples of one’s that are unclean.
It says, the birds that “shall not be eaten,” are “the eagle, the vulture, the buzzard, the kite, the falcon… the raven… the ostrich... the seagull… the hawk… [owls], the jackdaw… the stork, the heron, and [it also lists] the bat.” It also says, birds “after their kind” are not to be eaten. Clean birds are not listed, but we can know from other verses in the Bible that doves, pigeons, and quail are some examples of clean birds. And based on these listings of unclean birds and the examples of clean birds, it has been generally established that clean birds have the following characteristics.
1) they are not birds of prey
2) they do not eat their food in the air, and while eating their food they do not use their feet to hold their food down.
3) they have an elongated middle front toe and a hind toe
4) they spread their toes so that three front toes are on one side of a perch and the hind toe on the other side
5) they have a craw or crop - (that is, a place to store extra food before they’re ready to digest it)
6) and they have a gizzard with a double lining which can easily be separated.

Each of the unclean birds listed in the Bible is missing at least one of these six characteristics Some examples of clean birds are: Chicken, duck, turkey, dove, quail, and pigeon. All of these were designed to be eaten.

Finally, we see what the differences are between clean and unclean insects. Verses 20 through 23 explain the only clean insects are flying insects that use four of their legs for crawling and also “have jointed legs... with which to leap on the earth.” And it continues, “These you may eat: the locust after its kind… the cricket after its kind… and the grasshopper after its kind.” So, all other insects that do not have the ability to fly, have four legs only used for crawling and two hind legs that are also used for jumping, are not good for food.

If you want to know more about health principles from the Bible, click the link in the description to get our free book, “Biblical Principles of Health.”

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