Final Fantasy I - Final Boss

Описание к видео Final Fantasy I - Final Boss

Here is the final boss of the first Final Fantasy game. It's the remake for PSX, Final Fantasy Origins. Really, at my current level, the fight wasn't too hard. The game only has 50 levels, so 32ish/50 isn't underleveled. I tried to stall the fight to make it more epic but that didn't work for long. This is one of those fights you can't stall forever without losing. In FFI, there's no save point in dungeons, and due to the hideous lack of magic usage in the game, you can only heal yourself so many times before you're out of MP and out of Potions, forcing you to leave.

If anyones wondering, yes the remake OBVIOUSLY is graphical remake with remade music. The game was originally on the NES, what do you expect? But the sad news is, this is the last remake that honors the original FFI. All the newer remakes (GBA, PSP, etc) are all made about 5 times easier and changed too much. This is exactly the same as the original, minus the graphics and music, which don't affect the actual gameplay. That in mind, this game will seem much less fun if you're used to newer games. There's not much to it, and you can beat it in a day easily if you know what you're doing. But you have to keep an open mind if you play it and realize this was originally the first FF, which came out in the NES days. Anyway, enjoy. This is the only FFI video I recorded. I WANTED to record all the 4 fiend fights, but honestly it's too much a pain in the ass to have to go through dungeons again just to record a boss that's not too hard.

Strategy for the fight? Have your Fighter/Warrior/Knight (assuming you have one) attack Chaos non-stop. Have your Black Mage with Haste cast that, and then spam Steel on your Fighter. It can be a Red Mage too if you had the Red Mage learn the spells. If you have a White Mage (hopefully), I would say cast Heal 3 or Heal 4 the entire time to make things easiser and Cure 3 or Cure 4 someone when low on HP. Although the White Mage may be less useful at this point in the game due to how long it takes to get to Chaos and how much healing you'll be wasting to get there (magic spells in this game are really limited in use). If you DON'T use Haste or Steel, good luck, this fight will take a long time. And Chaos has 4000HP and can heal for 9999HP every certain amount of turns, and in FFI the longer the fight lasts, the increase on losing is raised significantly. I'm also not sure if Invis and etc stack up, but I used them anyway to waste turns (can't skip turns in FFI) and to stall the fight to make it last longer.

Note: The names of the chars are an inside joke. You probably won't figure it out.


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