These Cover 2 Beaters Will Get Your Mind Right and Improve Your Vertical Passing Game.

Описание к видео These Cover 2 Beaters Will Get Your Mind Right and Improve Your Vertical Passing Game.

These Concepts Will Teach You How To Beat Cover 2 and Improve Your Vertical Passing Game.
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Hey everybody, welcome to elite athletes TV. I'm Mike Pawlawski, former 11 year pro quarterback and quarterbacks coach here at Today, we're gonna talk about how you beat cover 2. I got a question from Mauro Green, who just simply asked, "Can you make a video on how to beat cover 2?"
When I was young, I hated throwing into cover 2. Because cover 2 is designed to take away the underneath routes. The best friend of a defense in cover 2 is time and distance. They are counting on time and distance to help them get to the quarterback. The longer you hold the ball. More likely it is that they get home with their pass rush. Now the other thing is, it's hard to make a living in underneath routes vs. Cover 2. There's five guys underneath. So you have to push the ball vertical. That's another thing as a young quarterback pushing that ball vertical can be scary at times. But once you learn how to throw that ball vertical and use those vertical routes, in the end, every zone becomes man to man as a zone defender. If a man comes through your zone, you have to lock on and play him as he comes through. So the trick in cover 2 is to get a stretch on one guy, you do that by outnumbering him. You can do it two on one or you can get the numbers advantage by going three on two.
So as you can see, there's a million options in cover two and I drew up maybe 10% of the plays that have been designed to beat cover to but there's a bunch of different ways to attack it. What you want to remember is distance how far you have to throw the ball and time how long you have to hold that ball in order to throw it are the defense's friends as a quarterback, understanding cover too and having a play that beats cover to and where exactly your key is. Are your friend. Know your reads make your throws be quick about it, and you'll be effective versus covered to Morrow. I hope that answered some of your questions, trying to get you kind of a quick synopsis of how to beat cover too. If you liked what I did here today, make sure you subscribe the channel ring that bell so you get notified every time we have new stuff coming out. Give me a thumbs up if you feel better about beating cover two and leave a comment down below. I'd love to hear from you your thoughts on cover two. Always cool to see guys drop plays or send in place that they love versus cover to always like learning new offense myself. appreciate you watching trying to improve your quarterback training some football skills, hopefully improve your football IQ and make you a better player. I'll talk to you again soon.


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