Bodycam DUI Arrest - Woman Blows FOUR Times the Legal Limit (0.34% BAC)

Описание к видео Bodycam DUI Arrest - Woman Blows FOUR Times the Legal Limit (0.34% BAC)

On August 5, 2023, Marysville Police Officer Jones was visiting a drive-thru convenience store when the store attendant advised him that woman in front of him was drunk. When the woman drove off, Officer Jones followed her and initiated a traffic stop. There were a few signs she might be intoxicated: She was wearing her sunglasses upside down, she searched through an empty plastic bag for her ID, and when asked to say some numbers backwards, she recited letters. She was eventually arrested and taken to the Marysville Police Department. She submitted to an evidentiary breath test (EBT) and the results were an incredible 0.34% BAC. The end of the video discusses the results of her criminal charges.


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