
Описание к видео 這才是我看過最好的詠春電影,林正英主演,正宗的詠春教學片

Liang Zan is the only son of the nine generations of the Liang family. He has loved practicing martial arts since childhood. In order to develop his son's hobby, Liang Zan's father hired all kinds of famous teachers to fight with him. However, these teachers had long been bribed by Liang Zan's father. They pretended to be defeated in the martial arts contest, which made Liang Zan think that Kung Fu is invincible. One day, Liang Zan and Liang Erdi were defeated in a contest. Only then did he know his true level. He took Liang Erdi as his teacher and learned how to chant spring on the short bridge. Later, he learned how to chant spring on the long bridge. After hard study and practice, Liang Zan's martial arts were greatly improved. He returned to Foshan and opened a medical school to help the poor.
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