ENVI Tutorial 6: Atmospheric correction of satellite Image using FLAASH

Описание к видео ENVI Tutorial 6: Atmospheric correction of satellite Image using FLAASH

In this video, I will show you how to perform Atmospheric correction using FLAASH. This is the most reliable and best method for atmospheric correction of satellite images.
If you need the manual for FLAASH Atmospheric correction, the please write your Email id in the comments section below.

Expression for the Maximum and Minimum Value
(B1 le 0)*0+(B1 ge 10000)*1+(B1 gt 0 and B1 lt 10000)*float (b1)/10000

Related tags: atmospheric correction, how to perform atmospheric correction in envi, FLAASH, atmospheric correction using flaash , ENVI atmospheric correction, radiometric correction, radiometric calibration, how to do atmospheric correction, envi tutorial, image processing

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