No Buy Week #19: I have some explaining to do...the true WHY behind the no buy

Описание к видео No Buy Week #19: I have some explaining to do...the true WHY behind the no buy

This one's kind of a meandering chat covering issues both shallow and deep, personal and global...from not wanting to fill the walk-in wardrobe that came as a part of my house and develop better clothing style with less, to wanting to foster collective habits of consumerism that will make life better for people in the third world and manage the depletion of our Earth's resources.

After thinking and journaling this year I hope I can now explain my reasons a little better than I did in my initial no-buy introduction videos.

0:00 hello everyone
0:12 it's Mars, and explaining the clickbait again
0:38 why I wanted to explore this topic and thanks for not hating
1:51 simple values: have what you need, be happy
3:00 why the stigma about outfit repeating?
4:17 environmental concerns
6:39 human rights
8:16 managing addictive behavior
9:46 escape the power of marketing
11:01 reset concept of "normal" consumerism
14:30 quality stuff should be more prevalent
17:47 the start of a long conclusion
19:20 my ultimate purpose on YouTube
20:44 TLDW: It's the right thing to do!


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