Pearl Harbor - Tennessee | Calm Continuous Mix

Описание к видео Pearl Harbor - Tennessee | Calm Continuous Mix

Calm continuous mix of the Pearl Harbor theme 'Tennessee'.
Enjoy the most relaxing and beautiful parts of the original soundtrack composed by Hans Zimmer and covered by:

HAUSER    • HAUSER - Tennessee (from Pearl Harbor)  
Artem Shumileyko    • Tennessee (Hans Zimmer) |OST Pearl Ha...  
Patrik Pietschmann    • Pearl Harbor - Tennessee (Piano Version)  

Download the FULL mix here:

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0:00 Tennessee, 1945 Alternate
1:15 Tennessee - HAUSER
2:47 Young Rafe to the Rescue - Hans Zimmer
3:43 Tennessee (Guitar Version)
6:33 Sacrifice / Tennessee, 1945
8:00 Rafe Gets the News - Hans Zimmer
9:45 Tennessee (Piano Version) - Patrick Pietschmann
11:50 Tennessee - HAUSER
13:16 Pearl Harbor at Sunset - Hans Zimmer
16:03 First Date - Hans Zimmer
16:48 Tennessee, 1923
18:15 REPEAT

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