Dark Souls Remastered (Steam) Defeating Great Grey Wolf Sif & a Gravelord Servant!

Описание к видео Dark Souls Remastered (Steam) Defeating Great Grey Wolf Sif & a Gravelord Servant!

Fighting the Forest Hunters, Great Grey Wolf Sif, and another Gravelord Servant! In Darkroot Garden--in Dark Souls Remastered from Steam, on PC! Blood is Off.

My Souls playlist:    • Chilled Souls: smbhax's Demon's Souls...  

0:00 - start
4:10 - invaded by forest hunter Zoe the Fell
7:55 - ent troubles
25:09 - Pharis and Forest Hunters
1:05:20 - Gravelord Servant Dahli Vinheim
1:11:25 - backstabbing Pharis
1:14:05 - Alvina of the Darkroot Wood
1:18:15 - mushroom people
1:31:07 - giant cats
1:47:53 - Great Grey Wolf Sif
2:05:08 - blah blah blah! ; D

Oh okay that invader in the ent area of Darkroot Garden's upper plateau being blue would have meant they were a member of the forest hunter covenant that the cat tried to get me to join, I think.

The tree jerks aka ents are a real pain! Fortunately they're only in one part of that upper Garden plateau and otherwise it's fun times vs the hunters, mushroom cuties, giant cats, and Sif! = )

Uhh so I guess the reason why I didn't find a bonfire in that whole upper plateau is that they wanted you to do the playtime grind for the 20K souls to buy the Crest thingy from the smith to unlock the door in the Forest Hunters area, beyond which is of course the bonfire you found when you first entered the Garden. ; P I'll be darned if they're gonna pry that 20K outta me!! ... I hope they don't make this pay-for-door a thing they do more of in the series...


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