Akasha Project EARTH SYMPHONY_live 432 Hz

Описание к видео Akasha Project EARTH SYMPHONY_live 432 Hz

Die Musik in guter Qualität hier:
Live-Cam + Fotos: FLORA_______Live recorded at 25.08.2021 Sommer Echo Festival Braunschweig.
You can support my work at : https://steadyhq.com/de/akashaproject.
Earth Symphony is tuned according the rules of the cosmic octave by Hans Cousto.The tuning of the Earthyear: Cis 136.10 Hz; 63.80 bpm; A=432.10 HzTuning Informations:

Flutesample in the end created by the one&only Rudi Wienand.
Planetanimations made with SpaceEngine


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