Master The 2-5-1 Progression On Bass: 3 "Must-Know' Methods

Описание к видео Master The 2-5-1 Progression On Bass: 3 "Must-Know' Methods

►► FREE: Stop struggling with the modes on bass and discover EXACTLY what to play in nearly any situation with my Ultimate Guide To The Modes For Bass. Download it here →

You’ve probably played the 2-5-1 progression on bass before, even if you didn’t realize it.

And even if you haven’t, I can virtually guarantee that you’ve at least heard this progression before. It’s just about everywhere from classical music, to jazz, blues, country, hip-hop, pop, rock - even metal.

It’s one of the most common chord sequences in all of music, which makes it pretty important. That’s also why it makes sense to really know your way around the 2-5-1 progression on bass.

When you know how to approach it, you can:

Create bass lines effortlessly
Make your own perfect bass fill every time
Masterfully improvise a bass solo on the spot

There are tons of different ways to approach this progression, but in this video we’re going to focus on just 3. These are the ‘must-know’ approaches when it comes to playing the 2-5-1 on bass.

They range from simple, so a little more advanced, but it’s very simple to get started.

Like I say in the video, I’d really encourage you to go through ALL of the approaches and give them a try - even if they don’t immediately feel great under your fingers.

When you practice each approach and start getting your head around them, they’ll start coming out in your playing naturally. The more comfortable you are with each one, the more likely it will come out of your mind and onto your bass.

By the way, if Approach #2 was a bit cryptic for you, I totally understand. The modes can be a confusing beast, but you can fix that with my Ultimate Guide To The Modes For Bass. Inside it, you’ll get the jargon-free explanation for what the modes are, plus, how and where they work.

It comes with a couple of bite-sized videos plus a 16-page PDF guide with the tabs, notation and shapes for each mode. You’ll also get 24 practice tracks you can use to start mastering your modes today. By the way, it’s 100% free.

To get it, click here, fill out the form on that page and I’ll send it straight to your email address.

Once you’ve practiced each of the approaches for the 2-5-1 progression in isolation, try combining them! Just using one approach will get a little boring after a while, but mixing and matching them will mean your audience won’t ever get bored of your playing.

If you have any questions, just let me know! I’d be happy to help out.

Good luck with the lesson, and happy playing!




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