The Diaries of a Young Boy

Описание к видео The Diaries of a Young Boy

Peter Feigl was attending a Quaker summer camp in France in 1942 when he learned that his parents had been arrested. The Nazis and their French collaborators had rounded them up with other Jews. The next day, Peter began recording his feelings and experiences in a diary, planning to share it with his parents when they reunited. But that day never came.

As we mark Anne Frank's birthday, meet Peter, who as a young boy wrote about his uncertainties and trauma during the Holocaust.

Peter Feigl, Holocaust Survivor and Museum Volunteer

Dr. Edna Friedberg, Historian, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

See Peter’s first diary (and the English translation) where he recorded his experiences and fears during the Holocaust:

Learn about other children who wrote diaries and survived the Holocaust:

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