Kanakadhara Stotram

Описание к видео Kanakadhara Stotram

Adi Shankara became a monk at a very young age. The story goes that one day, he went begging for his food as
was the custom, and arrived at the hut of a very poor Brahmin woman. The woman had no food at home except an Amla fruit (gooseberry), and she gave this to Adi Shankara. He was so overwhelmed by her generosity and so moved by her poverty that he extemporaneously composed and sang the Kanakadhara Stotram in front of the woman's hut.
This prayer instantly invoked the Goddess Mahalakshmi, who rained down a shower of gold for the woman. Each piece of gold was shaped like a gooseberry.

Reciting this prayer is said to eliminate poverty, but I don't think it's that simple. I think the key factor in this miracle was the kindness of the woman-- she didn't have the heart to send away a hungry little boy emptyhanded, so she gave him the only food she had. Such a simple thing to do, but how many of us could do it?
Apparently, the woman's descendants still live in the place where this miracle took place, in the town of Kaladi, Kerala. Kaladi is also Adi Shankara's birthplace.

Album: Divine Chants of Mahalakshmi.
Singer: Uma Mohan.


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