GCSE Classical Greek literature set texts: Herodotus, Histories

Описание к видео GCSE Classical Greek literature set texts: Herodotus, Histories

Herodotus, Histories, ‘The Ethiopians’
Read by Professor David Langslow
Cambyses, King of Persia, sends men to spy on the Ethiopians and, in particular, to find out about the mysterious Table of the Sun.

Classics for All has produced these videos for GCSE students studying Ancient Greek who may not have had the opportunity to hear the texts read in the original Greek.

Classical Greek GCSE: OCR prescription 2020-2021
PROSE A: J292/02
Text taken from ‘OCR Anthology of Classical Greek GCSE’, edited by J. Affleck & C. Letchford, Bloomsbury 2016

With thanks to the A. G. Leventis Foundation for its generous support for our Electra programme which works to introduce and develop the teaching of Ancient Greek in state schools.
Thanks also to the Jowett Copyright Trust and to Professor David Langslow and Professor Philomen Probert for supporting this project.
For more information contact [email protected]


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