Jersey Cattle: A Dairy Farmer's Experience | ABS India

Описание к видео Jersey Cattle: A Dairy Farmer's Experience | ABS India

Discover the remarkable performance of Jersey cattle through the eyes of a dedicated dairy farmer, Rajiv Gupta. In this informative video, Mr. Gupta shares his firsthand experience with Jersey cows, highlighting their exceptional milk production, strong udder structure, and robust genetics.

As a proud owner of an ABS ZIG sire daughter, Rajiv Gupta provides valuable insights into the benefits of Jersey cattle in dairy farming. Witness the impressive milk yield of his Jersey cow, producing an astonishing 15-20 liters of milk in her first lactation. Compare this to the 12 liters of milk produced by her mother in her first lactation.

Join us as we explore the importance of genetics in dairy cattle and the remarkable qualities that make Jersey cows a top choice for dairy farmers. Don't miss this insightful video that showcases the potential of Jersey cattle in enhancing dairy production.

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