Let's Play Outer Wilds Blind - Part 10: The End

Описание к видео Let's Play Outer Wilds Blind - Part 10: The End

I was so full of emotions by the time I started attempting the Ash Twin Project to the Vessel run that it made everything SO much more difficult but impactful for me. I can't remember the last time I bawled like that during a game. But also... welcome to the SLOWEST trip to the Vessel, ever. I hope you enjoy your stay. :)

There's something beautiful about how we got to be together with everybody at the end of it all, and we even got to talk to Solanum and understand her! I love how it ended with us solving smaller puzzles to bring everybody together and we all listened to music and hung out together one last time. 😭

I feel like all other games are going to pale in comparison now.

Oh well, onto the DLC! ... After I do a week of "wrap up" uploads next week and take a break the week after. Y'all didn't think I forgot about the kazoo music, did you?

#outerwilds #gaming #letsplay


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