IBEW Hour Power Feature: Journeyman Distillery

Описание к видео IBEW Hour Power Feature: Journeyman Distillery

Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at the transformation of Journeyman Distillery in Valparaiso, Indiana!

This historic building, once a woolen mill dating back to the 1800s, has been revitalized into a vibrant distillery, restaurant, and event hub. Thanks to the skilled union electricians from Circle R Electric and IBEW Local 531, this 140,000-square-foot facility has become a shining example of how new development can breathe life into a community. From preserving the industrial character of the old factory to seamlessly integrating modern electrical systems, this project is a testament to craftsmanship, history, and the pride of place Valparaiso holds.

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Who Are We?
IBEW Hour Power was created to increase the professional bond between our members and to showcase them at work to anyone who is willing to watch. We produce and share videos from all of the United States and Canada, displaying how the brothers and sisters of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers provide value to their families, their employers, and their communities.

Video Produced by Oswego Creative
Contact us: [email protected]


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