Tarland Trails & a Little Catch Up

Описание к видео Tarland Trails & a Little Catch Up

Hi all!

So good to see you all again! This is my first upload trying our new mobile WiFi box! It's not the best but maybe... all being well and good I might not always have to go into civilisation to upload?

This is our second time visiting Tarland Trails, we had visited in May/June 2024 when staying/visiting friends, but sadly all the footage from that week was unusable!

If you would like me to cover more of this type of content (such as my mtb story) how, where's and when's etc. Give me a comment below and I will see what I can do.

Sadly I think this will be my last video for 2024, but hoping come the new year, I will have a new camera and can start with regular uploads again if life allows.

Thanks so much for watching, and see you soon!


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