How to Choose Durian and Spot Fake MSW ! Mao Shan Wang / Musang King / 猫山王!

Описание к видео How to Choose Durian and Spot Fake MSW ! Mao Shan Wang / Musang King / 猫山王!

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Is it a fake MSW? What cultivar do you think it is?

This is an educational video to help durian lovers pick their durians and avoid fake MSW.

MSW Identifiers
- Distinct Star Shape at the bottom
- Brown Ring around the Stem (Top)
- Short and Thick Thorns
- Large but Flat Seeds

Advice when picking durian
1) Meat to Husk ratio (yield) is 30%. Use this to calculate if you should buy wish Husk or packed in box ones.
2) Benefit of buying husk durian - can pick base on shape to get more meat (more than 30%)
3) Benefit of buying packed durian (box) - can choose the taste and texture you prefer
4) If you are buying online/delivery, buy from reputable stalls to avoid being cheated
5) Fresh Durians (Durian 2 in video) are usually dry and creamier. Usually sweet taste and less bitter
6) Older Durians (Durian 3 in video) are usually more wet/soggy. Taste is usually more bitter and pungent.

Intersting facts about durian
1) There are 30 recognised species of durians but only 11 of them are edible
2) “Thornless” durians exist and they are completely natural
3) The most expensive durian ever sold was USD47,990 (Thailand)
4) Durian Merah or red-fleshed durian is the most popular wild species
5) Durian trees can live up to 100 years or more
6) Durian is ripe once it falls from the tree
7) Durian is naturally rich in potassium, dietary fibre, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B complex. The king of fruits is thus excellent for improving muscle strength and blood pressure, bowel movements and skin health. It also supports the nervous and immune systems, and enhances red blood cell formation
8) People with diabetes must limit their durian intake
9) Durian is an instant energiser
10) Older trees durian usually taste better


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