Full of Days, Charlottenborg Jubilee

Описание к видео Full of Days, Charlottenborg Jubilee

Full of Days, Charlottenborg Jubilee
30 Sep 2023 – 14 Jan 2024

Kunsthal Charlottenborg celebrates its 140thanniversary in 2023. The occasion is marked by this autumn’s major exhibition Full of Days, which presents a range of all-new, specially commissioned works that respond directly to Charlottenborg’s history as an exhibition venue with no collection and no historical archive.

The exhibition will feature a series of entirely new works by specially invited artists from Denmark and abroad. Each of them has been inspired by the venue’s past, thereby paying tribute to the very purpose for which the building was originally created: to show the art of the time.

The new commissions are presented side by side with a selection of carefully curated historical works as well as images from Kunsthal Charlottenborg’s past. This interweaving of different voices and temporalities emphasises how history writing always depends on the narrator. At the same time, it creates the starting point for an exhibition that embraces the disordered accumulation, shifts and cyclic returns that define the exhibition building’s 140 years of history. The show forges intuitive links and connections, and traces affinities and idiosyncrasies between art, people and events from different times, to outline one among many possible portraits of the venue – one which eschews a straightforward linear narrative.

Participating artists: Louise Alenius, Benedikte Bjerre, Valentina Desideri & Denise Ferreira da Silva, Jason Dodge, Emil Elg, Maryam Jafri, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, Sahar Jamili, Eva la Cour, Isabel Lewis in romance with Dirk Bell, Asta Lynge, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Finn Reinbothe, Åbäke, in company with Gunnar Aagaard Andersen, Pia Arke, Nina Beier, Yvette Brackman, Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen, Claus Carstensen, Ursula Reuter Christiansen, Inge Ellegaard, Olivia Holm-Møller, Asger Jorn, On Kawara, Per Kirkeby, Arthur Köpcke, Marie Luplau, Susanne Mertz, Lee Miller, Ursula Munch-Petersen, Emilie Mundt, Palle Nielsen, Astrid Noack, Lene Adler Petersen, Franka Rasmussen, Nina Sten-Knudsen, Susanne Ussing, and more.

The exhibition is curated by Julia Rodrigues and Francesca Astesani (South into North).

Supported by the 15 Juni Foundation, the Augustinus Foundation, the Axel Muusfeldt’s Foundation, the Beckett Foundation, the Danish Art Foundation, the Knud Højgaard’s Foundation, the Obel Family Foundation, the William Demant Foundation, Aage & Johanne Louis-Hansen’s Foundation.

Full of thanks to:
Anders Gaardboe Jensen, Anders Hauch, Anneli Fuchs, Benjamin Savi, Bjørn Nørgaard, Carsten Hoff, Claus Carstensen, Clausen’s Kunsthandel, Cristina Roman Diaz, Else Marie Buckdahl, Emilie Bo Bierlich, Erik Hagens, Galleri Bo Bjergaard, Dorte Gramby, FOS, Gorm Valentin, Helle Brøns, Isabella Hammerschbach, Jeanette Lindholt Madsen, John Jensen, Lars Bang Larsen, Lars Bent Petersen, Lene Bilgrav, Line Ellegaard, Lis Clausen, Lucas Haberkorn, Marianne Sørensen, Ole John, Palle Studsgaard Odgaard, Rikke Aagaard, Steen Møller Rasmussen, Sven Dalsgaard, Søren Rønholt, Teresa Østergaard Pedersen, Wilfred Wagner

Curators: Julia Rodrigues and Francesca Astesani (South into North)
Research: Line Ellegaard and South into North
Graphic Exhibition Design: Stanza
Deep publishing: Åbäke
Display design: Cristina Roman Diaz
Texts: Nanna Friis and Francesca Astesani
Translation: Nanna Friis, Rene Lauritsen
Copyeditor : Susannah Worth, Rene Lauritsen

#FullofDays #CharlottenborgJubilee #CHarlottenborgJubilæum #140anniversary #KunsthalCharlottenborg


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