Worlds Unseen

Описание к видео Worlds Unseen

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Title: "Worlds Unseen"

Verse 1
We travel far and wide, through the lands and the seas,
Witnessing the marvels, humanity’s grand decrees.
Architecture and civil, they shape the way we view,
A world of hidden wonders, in everything we do.

In workplaces and schools, old ways are left behind,
No more talk of noble birth, it’s the strength within we find.
But when the jerks start cursing, just walk and make that call,
No need to teach a lesson, let the law handle it all.

Oh, the world keeps spinning, in this crazy game of life,
Unfair gains, and the battles, cutting like a knife.
But we rise above the noise, with a song that’s true and clear,
Injustice can’t hold us down, we’ll break through every fear.

Verse 2
In the office where they gather, those smoke breaks, they exclude,
But times are changing, bullying’s not the mood.
And those who think they’re better, flaunting what they’ve got,
Are the biggest fools around, blind to their own rot.

Military divides, officers and the rest,
Korea needs a change, like Israel, make it best.
Only those who’ve served, should rise to lead the way,
With understanding hearts, guiding us each day.

Oh, the world keeps spinning, in this crazy game of life,
Unfair gains, and the battles, cutting like a knife.
But we rise above the noise, with a song that’s true and clear,
Injustice can’t hold us down, we’ll break through every fear.

Knowledge shapes our journey, the intellects will see,
It’s not about the rights you claim, but the duties you decree.
Economy may falter, but our spirits stay afloat,
Like pine cones in the air, we rise and find our hope.

Verse 3
The loud ones claim their rights, with voices sharp and high,
But justice favors truth, it’s the silent strength we try.
A world of spinning cycles, presumptions fall away,
Hidden talents rising, in the light of a new day.

Oh, the world keeps spinning, in this crazy game of life,
Unfair gains, and the battles, cutting like a knife.
But we rise above the noise, with a song that’s true and clear,
Injustice can’t hold us down, we’ll break through every fear.

We’re the ones who see the world, through a different set of eyes,
With knowledge, strength, and duty, we’ll claim our rightful prize.
For in every heart there’s power, like a beacon shining bright,
We’ll overcome the darkness, and step into the light.


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