Turntable: RCA Get Both Channels Working Again. No more ground cable | ターンテーブル片チャン問題?グラウンドケーブルもさよなら

Описание к видео Turntable: RCA Get Both Channels Working Again. No more ground cable | ターンテーブル片チャン問題?グラウンドケーブルもさよなら

DJのみなさーん、ターンテーブルは自分で直せます🔧❣️ターンテーブルの修理術⭐️DJの現場、もしくは自宅で、ターンテーブルの片一方のチャンネルしか聞こえてこない場合、まずは…❶針を取り替える❷綿棒と無水エタノールでヘッドシェルコネクター部分を掃除してみる❸RCAをさしているチャンネルを変えてみる。もしくは繋げているミキサーを変える。 ➡️それでもダメならRCAケーブルを取り替えてましょう‼️


最近お店のが壊れたので、せっかくなので@ にやり方を伝授しました。あくまで彼女を教えるのメインで撮ってたので喋りもやり方もカジュアルな動画ですが、良かったらお役立てください🎵

⭐️ Turntable Surgery by DJ SARASA ⭐️Turntable Audio Issue? Get Both Channels Working Again! 🎶🔧
Plus Bonus: Say Bye to Ground Cable with this Fix!

Hey DJs! You can actually fix your turntables yourself! 🔧❣️ If you’re at a gig or at home and you can only hear sound from one channel on your turntable, you can try these steps:

1. Replace the needle.
2. Clean the headshell connector with a cotton swab and isopropyl alcohol.
3. Try plugging your RCAs to another channel. If no other channel, change mixer.

➡️ If that doesn’t work, the chances are that the RCA is broken!

Experiencing only one channel output is common for DJs like us who move their turntables or plug and unplug RCAs all the time. Sending them out for repair can take weeks, so check this out and try to solve the issue yourself. I’ve been repairing my own turntables for years ☝️.

Recently, one of the turntables at my shop broke, so I took the opportunity to teach @ how to fix it. The video is casual as it’s mainly for her, but feel free to use it and hopefully it helps you out! 🎵

#Turntables #DJlife #Turntable #ターンテーブル #修理 #DJSARASA #DIY #DJ #Turntablefix


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