Польский алфавит. Названия букв и произношения.

Описание к видео Польский алфавит. Названия букв и произношения.

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Enjoy mini Polish lessons I post on instagram: 🤓💬🇵🇱📱@learn_polish_with_ecolinguist

In this video you will learn the names of Polish letter and how they sound in the context of Polish words. You can repeat the words after me to practice. Pause the video if you need more time to pronounce the words.

The meanings of the examples used:

a palma - a palm tree
ą wąs - moustache
b (be) buty - shoes
c (ce) koc - a blanket
ć (cie) być - to be
cz (cze) czart - a devil
d (de) dudy - pipes
dz (dze) dzwon - a bell
dź (dzie) dźwięk - a sound
dż (dże) dżem - jam
e echo - echo
ę gęś - a goose
f (ef) flet - a flute
g (gie) jagoda - a blueberry
h (ha) hulajnoga - a scooter
i iglo - an igloo
j (jot) jedzenie - food
k (ka) kawa - coffee
l (el) lód - ice
ł (eł) łysy - bold
m (em) miłość - love
n (en) Norbert
ń (eń) koń - a horse
o obraz - a painting
ó (o z kreską) ósemka - a number eight
p (pe) płot - fence
r (er) rower - a bike
s (es) słoń - an elephant
ś (eś) świat- the world
sz (esz) szok - schock
t (te) tunel - a tunnel
u ufoludek - an extraterrestrial
w (wu) walizka - a suitcase
y (igrek) okulary - glasses
z (zet) zaraza - a plague
ź (ziet) źdźbło - a straw
ż (żet) żaba - a frog

Let me know in the comments which Polish letters are particularly tough pronounce for you? 🤔


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