Dark Souls 3 - All Sorcery Locations (Master of Sorceries Trophy / Achievement Guide)

Описание к видео Dark Souls 3 - All Sorcery Locations (Master of Sorceries Trophy / Achievement Guide)

Master of Sorceries | Silver |
Acquire all sorceries.

There are 34 sorceries in Dark Souls 3. You need all 34 on you at once to unlock the trophy / achievement. Most of them come from merchants. Orbeck has most of them, and you unlock more to buy from him by giving him scrolls. There are 4 scrolls that you need to get, and give to him. If you find Orbeck early on in the game you must gve him at least 1 scroll before you kill 4 bosses. He will disappear else as you broke your promise about looking for scrolls for him!


[0:05] Orbeck of Vinheim (Merchant)
[1:50] Soul Arrow
[1:54] Great Soul Arrow
[1:59] Heavy Soul Arrow
[2:05] Great Heavy Soul Arrow
[2:11] Farron Dart
[2:17] Soul Greatsword
[2:22] Farron Flashsword
[2:28] Magic Weapon
[2:32] Magic Shield
[2:37] Spook
[2:42] Aural Decoy
[2:50] Sage's Scroll (Unlocks more Spells)
[3:42] Great Farron Dart
[3:47] Farron Hail
[3:52] Pestilent Mercury
[3:59] Golden Scroll (Unlocks more Spells)
[5:08] Cast Light
[5:16] Repair
[5:20] Hidden Weapon
[5:24] Hidden Body
[5:28] Twisted Wall of Light
[5:33] Logan's Scroll (Unlocks more spells)
[7:43] Homing Soul Mass
[7:49] Soul Spear
[7:56] Crystal Scroll (Unlocks more spells)
[9:20] Homing Crystal Soul mass
[9:20] Crystal Soul Spear
[9:20] Crystal Magic Weapon
[9:54] Crystal Hail (Trade Soul of a Crystal Sage)
[10:22] White Dragon Breath (Trade Soul of Consumed Oceiros)
[10:30] Deep Soul (Trade Soul of the Deacons of the Deep)
[10:40] Great Magic Weapon
[11:11] Great Magic Shield
[11:51] Chameleon
[14:17] Soul Stream
[15:49] Great Deep Soul (Aldritch Faithful Rank 1 Reward)
[16:21] Karla (Merchant)
[21:16] Affinity
[21:46] Dark Edge

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