Mandarin jam making

Описание к видео Mandarin jam making

In this video we make Mandarin Jam from home grown mandies. Stick around until the end to see that not everything goes as planned or works out perfectly first time

We use Fowlers Jamseta with pectin › shop › preserving-aids › jamsetta.
We are not sponsored or supported by Fowlers, but they make great products.

Mandarin Jam

Whole Mandarins (approximately 12)

One lemon Juiced

Sugar equal to the amount of boiled mandarin fruit and peel

One and ¼ Packets of Jamsetta

Wash mandarins

Peel skins off the mandarins (reserving 3-4 mandarin skins for slicing into the jam)

Cut mandarins into small segments and remove all excess pith and seeds

Place cut mandarins into a large pot – (the jam when boiling will approximately double in size when cooking so make sure the pot is large enough)

Scrape the pith off the mandarin skins and cut finely then chop

Add skins to the mandarins in the large pot

Add just enough water to cover the mandarins and refrigerate overnight

Next day – bring mandarin liquid to the boil then turn down the heat and simmer the fruit until the mandarin segments are soft

Remove from heat

Pour into a glass jug and measure the liquid (be extremely careful as the liquid can burn if it touches your skin)

Place the liquid back into the pot (write down the amount of liquid)

Measure the same amount of sugar, as mandarin liquid into a jug (I like a less sweet jam therefore I usually add one cup of sugar less than the amount of liquid) e.g. 8 cups liquid = 7 cups sugar

Bring mandarin liquid back to the boil, once boiling add the sugar a little at a time stirring constantly

Add the jamsetta with the last cup of sugar, bring to a rolling boil for at least 5 minutes.

Test to check the set of the jam on plate, which has been chilled in the freezer. When correct set is achieved, remove pot from heat, cool slightly and skim off any foam at the top of the jam if necessary then pour into clean sterilized jars seal immediately and refrigerate 24 hours.

Remove from the fridge bring to room temperature then wipe excess moisture off the jars and store.

Now all you need is some fresh sourdough bread !!!!!!


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